Six Reasons Neglecting a Toothache May Cost You More Money and Pain

Toothache neglection

No matter how tough you are, and no matter how much you believe in working through the pain, you should never ignore a toothache. Many people hope that a toothache will go away on its own and they won’t have to go to the dentist at all, but this isn’t likely to be the case. If one of your teeth is throbbing, there’s a reason for it. Here are six reasons ignoring a toothache could end up costing you more in the long run. 


  1. A toothache could indicate a bacterial infection


The consequences of ignoring an infected tooth are serious. Not only can the infection worsen and damage the tooth to the point that even a root canal can’t save it, but this kind of infection can also get into your bloodstream and spread to other areas of your body, including your brain. One of the most common symptoms of an infected tooth is pain, so never ignore it – you could be putting your tooth – and your life – at risk. 


  1. There may be a cavity in the tooth


Less serious than an infection that’s spreading, a cavity is still a reason to visit your dentist as soon as possible. Cavities don’t always cause pain, so the only way to know that you have one is sometimes through regular dental check-ups. However, sometimes, cavities do cause pain, so take it as a sign that something may be wrong. It’s much easier to treat a small hole. Letting it go untreated can cause the cavity to become too large for a regular filling, possibly leading to the need for more invasive treatment, such as a root canal.  


  1. You could have a dental injury


You might think that you’d know if you had a damaged tooth as a result of an accident or injury, but it might not be so obvious. Some injuries to teeth cause visible cracks or chips, but others can cause invisible fractures – at least not without the special equipment dentists use. Even the tiniest fracture leaves an opening in your tooth enamel for bacteria to enter and thrive. If these bacteria get inside your tooth, the results can be severe. Therefore, always see your dentist or endodontist at once when you experience pain in a tooth. 


  1. You may be developing gum disease


Gum disease affects more than just your gums. Unfortunately, it also affects your teeth, and it’s one of the most common causes of tooth loss in adults. Gum disease does not develop overnight. Instead, it slowly creeps in overtime with no symptoms – another reason to stick to those regular check-ups. However, some people do experience symptoms of early gum disease, and one of those symptoms is pain. This pain might feel like a toothache but actually, becoming from your gums. Gum disease is far more reversible in its early stages, so don’t delay seeking help from your dentist. 


  1. The pain will not go away on its own


Often, people with toothaches avoid going to the dentist because they hope the pain will go away on its own, or they are attempting to avoid the expense of dental care. The hard truth is that toothaches do not generally disappear on their own, especially if they are caused by specific problems such as infection or gum disease. These problems require professional treatment by a dentist or endodontist. Until properly addressed, most toothaches will only get worse, interfering with eating, sleeping, working, and enjoying your life. A phone call to your dentist can have you pain-free within hours. 


  1. Dental problems are easier (and cheaper) to fix early

Few dental problems won’t get worse over time if left untreated. When you delay seeking help for a toothache, you aren’t just putting off the inconvenience and expense – you’re indeed letting the problem advance into a more serious problem that will be harder and more expensive to treat. Do yourself a favor and contact us for an appointment at the first sign of a toothache. You could be saving yourself a significant amount of time, money, and pain.


A Testimonial from Mayra, a patient of The Endo House Huntington Beach

I went to their office for a root canal, Dr. Shoreibah was amazing in making the processes comfortable and painless, the staff was so attentive and nice. Overall I would recommend this to anyone! Dr. Shoreibah explains everything well just procedures and post-recovery. The main thing I love about him is that always thinks of saving your tooth and what best for it!!



Related resources: 5 Reasons to Be Seen by an Endodontist


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